Posted by Ozz on 01/30/07 21:43
ok, I found the answer. By using 'SERVER_ADMIN' in vhost definition,
you can override a whole bunch of parameters.
But I am still trying to figure out if I can use a seperate php.ini
file for each v-host. Any ideas?
On Jan 30, 12:36 pm, "Ozz" <usman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ooops, by mistake "I replied to author", sorry Klepr.
> I am also trying to use a seperate php.ini file for each vhost. Or, a
> php parameter in vhost definition to override default value, but it is
> not taking effect.
> I am looking for a good resource that explains the procedure. Also,
> could anyone tell me where to get the manual you are talking about?
> Thanks.
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