Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 01/31/07 12:35
F.C. James wrote:
> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> You have too many errors to make an accurate judgment. HTML:
>> <http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fride.0taxi.com%2Fdownyonder%2F>
These errors should probably be addressed prior to CSS warnings.
>> Paste your CSS here:
>> http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/csscheck/
>> New pages should be Strict, not Transitional, and you shouldn't be
>> coding in 1995-style markup.
>> http://htmldog.com/
> I got a lot of warnings because of my use of "background" and
> background-color"
A warning isn't an error. "brown" is an error, according to the checker.
> So I went to html dog for guidance and they gave me this -- ...
> And got these warnings.
> Warning: To help avoid conflicts with user style sheets, background and
> color properties should be specified together.
I would not dwell on these warnings for now. The HTML errors are a lot
more important, and should be looked at first.
> Who can you trust ?
Our mothers?
Oh, I notice another inconsistency. You have mixed serif and sans-serif
fonts, and haven't assign the generic fallback.
body { ... font-family: Georgia, Arial, Helvetica; ... }
font-family: Georgia, Times, serif;
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; (less-common first)
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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