Posted by pe3no@N05PAM.o2.pl on 02/02/07 21:09
I'm going to create applications PHP + AJAX + Linux + Apache + Postgres.
- Other Open Source technologies / Frameworks, etc. also :)
Is this book http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0471777781
suitable for my "case"? I'm asking persons who read this book :)
I wouldn't like to buy something unuseless, which for example
is completely concentrated on .NET, C#, ASP.NET, m$something etc...
- I'm not going to use/learn those technologies.
On the other hand, maybe someon of you will tell me: "AJAX is AJAX
- and you use it independently from the platform".
So maybe (?) those examples would be usefull anyway? after modifications
So maybe I should buy this book also for my future open source
I would also appreciate indications like this - and buy this book :)
Thank you in advance,
Best regards~~Piotrek~~pe3no.
P.S. Sorry for my unperfect English :)
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