Posted by Curtis on 02/03/07 13:40
On Thu, 01 Feb 2007 05:49:31 -0800, Tamagafk <tamagafk@gmail.com> wrote:=
> Today I discovered that I don't understand how references work in php.=
> I create object, then I store reference to this object into array.
> Then I do so into another array. And suddenly I have two vars taken by=
> reference which should point to single object, but they are different.=
> Is there possibility of "reference to reference" in php?
> I'm just going crazy, can't figure out everything...
Why don't you post your code? Unfortunately, we didn't see you coding =
first hand, so we can't pinpoint what's wrong. This is an example of wha=
t =
$o =3D new a('hello, world');
$o2 =3D new a('goodbye, cruel world');
$array['foo'] =3D& $o;
$array['foo2'] =3D& $o2;
echo $array['foo']->getFoo(); // outputs 'hello, world'
$o->setFoo('como estas');
echo $array['foo']->getFoo(); // outputs 'como estas'
$array['foo2']->setFoo("kon'nichi wa");
echo $o2->getFoo(); // outputs "kon'nichi wa"
-- =
Curtis, http://dyersweb.com
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