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Re: how to choose the correct height/width for images

Posted by VS on 02/03/07 22:01

Sounds like you need to re-size the image based on Width / Height Ratio
between the original image and your maximum desired size. I've not done
Image re-sizing in PHP, but you might be able to devise your own based
on this bit of Perl that I used:

# CreateThumbnail(Source, Destination)
sub CreateThumbnail
my( $src_file, $dst_file) = @_;

my $quality = 100;
my $newwidth = 160;
my $newheight = 120;

# create a new image from original
$im = GD::Image->newFromJpeg($src_file);
($width, $height) = $im->getBounds();

# Width / Height Ratio's
$wr = $width / $newwidth;
$hr = $height / $newheight;

if ($wr > $hr){
$newheight = int(($height / $wr)+0.5);
$newwidth = int(($width / $wr)+0.5);
$newheight = int(($height / $hr)+0.5);
$newwidth = int(($width / $hr)+0.5);

# new image for re-sized / re-sampled version
$outim = new GD::Image($newwidth, $newheight);
$outim->copyResized($im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight,
$width, $height);

# Put a black frame around the Image
$black = $outim->colorAllocate(0,0,0);

#save the new Image...
open(DST , '>', "$dst_file") || die "could not write image: $!";
binmode DST;
print DST ($outim->jpeg($quality));




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