Posted by Chris F.A. Johnson on 02/05/07 18:04
On 2007-02-05, Ciuin wrote:
> Again I need your help.
> This is the test page I am working on:
> http://www.manfredkooistra.de/zeugs/test/test.php
> It shows a large image with a navigation menue position:fixed over it
> (position:absolute in IE 5 & 6).
> You can mouseover the small image to display a navigation or mouseout
> to hide it again. From this navigation (when displayed) you can hide
> the whole menue including the small image or grab and drag it across
> the screen.
> Don't click any of the links, they lead nowhere.
> You need to have JavaScript turned on (and styling, of course).
> Two questions:
[Using Firefox on Linux]
> (1) I have tested this in different browsers, and so far it all seems
> to work fine (except see 2 below). But if you have IE 5, 6 or 7 or
> Firefox/PC, please look at the page, try everything, and let me know
> if indeed it does work for you. I'm especially interested in:
> - Do the links change color on hover?
Yes; they become legible. The original grey is too light to read
The links extend outside the box, and overwrite the map.
> - Is there a flicker of the lower navigation div when you hover over
> the links inside it (it shouldn't flicker)?
> - If you drag the menue and then hide it,
> does the "show again" button appear at the new location, as it
> should, or at the original (36px top and left) or anywhere else?
If "click to open navigation" is the same as "show again", then
yes, it does.
Chris F.A. Johnson <http://cfaj.freeshell.org>
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
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