Posted by Paul Furman on 02/05/07 21:10
Paul Furman wrote:
> Is there a simple way to test whether an onclick event is working like
> make it beep or something to test. I have no clue about javascript only
> php and need some help debugging.
Thanks for both replies, I'm working with the mozilla debugger now. I
had since tried in IE & had trouble sending this message to the group
last nigh so I'll send now & keep plugging away at it.
Alright so if I look at it in IE I see an error appear when clicking
referring to the line with the first javascript function definition.
Error: Object required
that's the bottom line below:
//Thumbnail image viewer- © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
//sample useage:
//<IMG src="myimage.jpg"
// onclick="return enlarge('images/myimage.jpg' ,event)"
// border="0" alt="">
var ie=document.all
var ns=document.layers
var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all
function enlarge(which,e){ <-this line gives the error
<snip remaining code>
Now, unless it's necessary to have the onclick event in front of title,
I checked my syntax and it's identical to the working example I've got
and the url it passes as a value is a valid image url. I tried it with a
relative url and an absolute url and copied out of the view-source it
pastes into the address bar & produces an image. It looks like this as a
relative url:
<img src="03_PBF9672.jpg"
width="640" height="428"
onclick="return enlarge('crop/03_PBF9672.jpg' ,event)">
compare to:
//sample useage:
//<IMG src="myimage.jpg"
// onclick="return enlarge('images/myimage.jpg' ,event)"
// border="0" alt="">
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