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Re: I have sub-categories but want to display full category path

Posted by R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah on 02/06/07 05:43

On Feb 5, 7:45 pm, Michael Fesser <> wrote:
> .oO(R.RajeshJebaAnbiah)
> > Answer is Nested Set Model architecture <
> >tech-resources/articles/hierarchical-data.html>
> Definitely not. In most cases a nested set structure is total overkill,
> especially if all you need is a simple parent-child relation. Running
> some queries recursively is quite cheap (even cheaper with prepared
> statements) and also much simpler compared to the very complex issue of
> handling a nested set.

My memory is vain on the theory of the recursive SQL, but the
overhead in nested set architecture is only when you insert the data,
but not while fetching. Usually the categories structure won't change
often--IOW, it's more or less static than dynamic. There is some good
stuff on nested sets here <>

<?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
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