Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 02/06/07 07:25
Scripsit kvnsmnsn@hotmail.com:
> I have a table with five columns, and the fifth column is filled with
> sixteen buttons.
This calls for a redesign, not visual tuning. What's the point in having
_five_ columns, and what's the point in _sixteen_ buttons in the fifth
column? In most cases, more than one button in a form is too much (not
counting radio buttons, of course). As usual, a URL would make it possible
to suggest a constructive approach.
> Some are narrower than others, and the default ap-
> pears to be to left justify them, which looks kind of bad to me.
So what? How often do _you_ use those buttons?
> Is there a way to center the buttons in that column?
What? Better way than _what_? You didn't mention _centering_ before this at
all. And do you mean centering the set of buttons as a whole, or the text in
each button? As usual, a URL would let us see what you regard as a problem.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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