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Re: How-to: avoid some code problems in advance

Posted by Kimmo Laine on 02/06/07 08:58

"P Pulkkinen" <> wrote in
message news:VZWxh.5736$
> This all below is my opinion, not any official post though...
> ======================================
> 7) When you ask questions in a newsgroup, take time to formulate
> your post. Don't push your opinions on where the error
> might be, since if you knew that, you wouldn't have needed
> help in the first place.

Good point. Also good to remember is to try to isolate the problem to the
shortest piece of code you can. No one wants to debug 200 lines of code in
their head, hence the abbreviation TLDR (Too Long, Didn't Read!) exists.

And I'd like to add just one more advice:

10) Use an editor that higlights syntax! Much easier to spot the missing
quote, semicolon or some other typo when the syntax is highlighted.

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