Posted by Rik on 02/08/07 01:20
Curtis <> wrote:
> Let's see what you get, alter Rik's code and post the output back to
> us (if it repeats a lot, just post enough to get a look at what the
> keys look like):
> $hours =3D array();
> echo '<pre>';
> print_r($_POST); // dump all submitted POST data
> echo '</pre><br>';
> foreach($_POST as $key =3D> $value){
> if(preg_match('/^[0-9]+-hours$/i',$key)){
The would only be usefull if the postfields were still in the 'id-hours'=
format. It's now in 'hours[id]'.
So just print_r($_POST['hours']);
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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