Posted by Erwin Moller on 02/08/07 11:17
P Pulkkinen wrote:
> I may have some misundertanding /lack of information, but I have always
> wondered this:
> Why there must be THREE setup lines concernig cookie/transid thing:
> session.use_cookies
> session.use_only_cookies
> session.use_trans_id
> That makes 2*2*2= 6 combinations. Since this is the case, one would
> suppose all 6 are meaningful and sensible.
Make that 8. :P
> But why I feel that session business should in practise use EITHER cookies
> OR trans_id? Not both at the same time and not anything(what) else also.
> In that case only one line was enough and ANYWAY, one line would eliminate
> impossible combinations.
> why have not like: session_policy = "cookies" // options: 'cookies',
> 'trans_id', 'both'
> What is it that I don't get? What is it that I have misunderstood? Or is
> there some historical reasons. Please, list your opinion of MEANINFUL
> combinations of those three settings. Thanks for answers, I believe this
> can enlighten others too.
Yes, like me. I was/am also confused by this setup.
It could be a lot clearer. Probably this setup is there for
backwardcompatibility reasons.
I didn't try all combinations, but this is how I think it works:
defines if cookies are used at all. If yes, a cookie is *possibly* used. In
false, a cookie is never used.
forces the use of cookies. The next setting is of no importance in that
If set to true, and session.use_only_cookies is set to false, url-rewriting
will be used if no cookiesupport is found.
At least that is what I found when using sessions. You milage may vary, etc,
I agree it is messy and these settings could use a little scrubbing.
Erwin Moller
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