Posted by deko on 02/08/07 17:17
> $refhost = preg_replace('/\&/', '\&\;', $refhost);
I think this will work, but htspecialchars() might be a better fit here.
Another situation where preg_replace() might be better is this:
Let's say I get a visitor using the following agent:
<a href="http://netforex.net"> Forex Trading Network Organization </a>
This indicates a robot (not a real visitor), so I want to identify it as such
with this code:
//well-known browsers
$browser = "firefox";
elseif(eregi("other browsers")
$browser = "other browsers";
//well-known bots
elseif (eregi("(bot|google|slurp|scooter|spider|infoseek|[etc., etc.])",
$browser = "bot";
//unknown bots - identified by having a URL in the agent srting
elseif (eregi("http://", $agent))
$agent = stristr($agent, "http://");
$agent = parse_url($agent);
$agent = $agent['host'];
$agent_a = explode(".", $agent);
$agent_r = array_reverse($agent_a);
$sub = count($agent_r) - 1;
$tld3 = substr($agent_r[0], 0, 3);
if (eregi("^(com|net|org|edu|biz|gov)$", $tld3)) //common tld's
while ($sub > 0)
$domain = $domain.$agent_r[$sub].".";
$refurl = $domain.$tld3; //use for building referring site link
$browser = "bot";
$browser = "unknown";
I know this is kind of a hack... any thoughts for improvement?
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