Posted by KoopaJah on 02/08/07 16:07
Ilkka Maatta a écrit :
Hello !
> PHP code .....
> <?
> //Open file.
> $file=fopen("file.txt","r");
> //read file so long when it isn't end.
> while (!feof($file))
> {
> //read and print row + LF.
> $rivi=fgets($file,1024);
> print "$row<BR>";
> }
> //Close file.
> fclose($file);
> ?>
> read file(ascii) and print it display.
this seems strange as you retrieve the line in $rivi and print $row. You
should print $rivi at least
> How i can read and print only last row - don't all row?
just never print the line in the while loop. Like this you just update
the line in $rivi until you reach the end of the file. Then (after the
while loop) you print $rivi which contains the last line read.
Remi J.
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