Posted by Josh T on 06/27/05 22:25
I'm running Debian Sarge Linux, PHP 4, Apache 2, mod-auth-kerb,
PostgreSQL 7.4 on the web server and Windows 2000 Active Directory as the
Kerberos server. I want Windows PC users to be able to automatically
logon to Apache and PostgreSQL with their Windows usernames/password
without any prompts.
I can get Apache and mod-auth-kerb to work. I can get the pgsql program
to work with Kerberos. However, I need a PHP script already authenticated
via mod-auth-kerb to also logon to PostgreSQL with Kerberos passthrough.
From Firefox on my Linux workstation, after running kinit, I can get it to
work with PHP as CGI, but mod-php does not work 99% of the time, which is
fine if I have to use CGI. However, neither Firefox or IE6 will work from
my Windows XP workstation.
Any one have any insight?
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