Posted by dorayme on 02/10/07 01:07
In article <MPG.203680ef883139a6989766@news.aardvark.net.au>,
Joe (GKF) <joedinmore@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> In article <doraymeRidThis-FC9DEE.11280608022007@news-
> vip.optusnet.com.au>, doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au says...
> > 3. I go back and think nicer things of the schmuck, even refer to
> > him as a mensch, because success has mellowed me.
> >
> >
> that's funny, you don't LOOK Jewish.
> (what with the green skin and tenticles and all)
OK Joe... that's it. Time to roll this out:
A Brooklynite tourist was strolling through Hong Kong when he
spied a synagogue. He entered and, sure enough, he found a
Chinese Rabbi and a Chinese congregation. Even though he spoke no
Chinese, he was touched by the service. The rabbi stood by the
door greeting his congregants, When the Brooklynite shook the
rabbi's hand, the rabbi asked, "You Jew?" The man answered "Yes"
The rabbi replied, "Funny, you don't look Jewish"!
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