Posted by Dana Cartwright on 02/09/07 22:38
At php.net, the following paragraph is the first thing in the definition of
"Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the
haystack string. Unlike the strrpos() before PHP 5, this function can take a
full string as the needle parameter and the entire string will be used."
I find the reference to "strrpos" confusing, coming this early in the
definition. This is the definition of strpos, not strrpos. That is, the
paragraph would make a lot more sense if it read:
"Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the
haystack string."
Dragging in "strrpos", which used to have a restriction on "needle", seems
pointless, and worse, confusing.
But, before I report this as a problem, I'd appreciate some feedback on
this. If I'm the only person who finds this confusing, I'll just go away
and be quietly confused.
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