Posted by Martien van Wanrooij on 02/10/07 16:01
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> schreef in bericht
> You need to figure out how much data you're talking about and how often
> it's being requested. That will help you determine which is the better
> way to go.
Thanks Jerry, the problem is that I am not very "handy" at estimating such
performance issues, maybe it is just a matter of experience. Not that I am
extremely worried that my mortgage calculation will be visited at the same
time by so many visitors that it would make crash my hosting provider's
server but I want to take in mind such considerations from the very
beginning. Anyway your reaction makes me think that I shouldn't be too
worried about the script I am writing, thanks agein :)
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