Posted by tuntis on 02/11/07 14:18
Doesn't anybody else think that CSS is way too hard, ESPECIALLY if
you've been building layouts with tables before? Here, I'll copypaste a
rant from my blog (tuntis.net):
> Why is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) so great for layout? Sure, it might “give lower bandwidth usage” and make “sites more compatible”, but what’s the point of all the trouble? A well managed table layout mixed with CSS works just well and takes half the time it would take to make in CSS;
> 1. CSS for “modern web layout” is a pain to learn; z-index, absolute positioning… all that you can make with a table!
> 2. Properly made table layouts don’t suck and are easy to manage.
> 3. However, don’t get me wrong: CSS is a great system; but I believe that it is too complicated for website layout.
> So, let’s make a quick Google search:
> And the results are;
> Stockvault.net - Why tables suck for Web Design
> The above site says “1. Tables Slow Down Your Site.”.
> True, I guess. Doesn’t mean that tables suck if you don’t want to brawl with an overcomplicated system. Doesn’t matter nowadays; a small amount of people use slower connections than broadband anymore.
> The above site says “2. Tables Make Messy Code”.
> “Why make your code more complicated than it needs to be? Tables end up generating an extroidinary amount of code lines, and increases the size of the HTML file. Also, when you need to change something specific in your code, hundreds of lines of code aren’t fun to search through.”
> OH SNAP! How about a simple HTML comment for each section to search for? Filesize doesn’t matter; CSS doesn’t magically save you from making cool layout images, background images, etc.
> Many CSS layouts are overcomplicated; admit it, CSS isn’t god.
> The above site says “3. Tables Were Meant For Data Needing To Be Shown As A Table”.
> But they have proven to be an effective way of web design.
> The above site says “4. Tables Limit Your Creativity”.
> Eh? That is a very incorrect statement! CSS limits your creativity unless you have been studying it for ages; if your layout needs something that’s too overcomplicated for tables, use the “oh-so-mighty” CSS. Point being, there’s no point to use CSS for everything, since it’s much harder.
> “So why would you want to use tables? Take the time to learn CSS/XHTML, and you’ll save time and increase revenue in the long run.”
> Wrong.
> So use tables and CSS when absolutely needed; that’s my solution.
I'd like to hear some comments to this, so "let's discuss". (I hope this
gets spread to better news servers anyways, since my ISP's one sucks)
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