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Re: Form Woes

Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 02/13/07 20:46

Leon wrote:
> Hi Chaps,
> I have been looking around the internet and I really can't see what I'm
> doing wrong here !
> This code works in firefox, but not internet explorer.
> Any suggestions please? Internet Explorer just doesnt update the action
> of the form so when you hit the button - it seemingly just refrehes the
> page!
> <form name="actions" action="" method="post">
> <select name="action" class="formBox">
> <option value="null" onclick="this.form.action.value='';">Select Action
> From List
> <option value="resendActEmail"
> onclick="this.form.action.value='./admin_process.php?a=resend';">Re-Send
> Activation Email
> <option value="deletaccount"
> onclick="this.form.action.value='./admin_process.php?a=delete';">Delete
> This Account
> </select>
> <input class="formBox" type="submit" name="submit" value="Go">
> </form>

No, no do not set the action with JavaScript. Looks like your want an
either or option use a radio button and set the form destination in the
ACTION attribute:

<form action="./admin_process.php" method="post">


<legend>Account Action</legend>
<input type="hidden" name="b" value="zoom">
<input name="a" id="resendIt" type="radio" value="resend" checked>
<label for="resendIt">Re-Send Activation</label>
<input name="a" id="deleteIt" type="radio" value="delete">
<label for="deleteIt">Delete This Account</label>
<input type="submit" value="Go">

Since your want POST method, not sure why you were hacking the ACTION to
add a GET query string. Now in "admin_process.php":

if($_POST['a']) == 'resend'){
//account resent routine
elseif($_POST['a']) == 'delete'){
//account delete routine
else {
// shouldn't happen your form's been hacked!

Take care,




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