Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 02/14/07 00:14
devospice wrote:
>> It shouldn't if you send the correct header information. The fact it's
>> coming from PHP should be completely transparent.
> It is. The PHP feed works fine. (http://www.thefump.com/cast.php)
> But pointing the link tag to a PHP file instead of an audio file
> generates a "this feed is not valid" error in iTunes.
> ->Later.....Spice
As I said - if the header is correct, it should be OK.
I looked at your link, but I didn't see any php files being pointed to -
just the mp3 files themselves.
I still suspect you're not sending the correct info in the header,
especially the content header. But you haven't shown us any code or
your php buffering.
Browsers are pretty loose about things. iTunes might be more stringent.
Of course, it's possible they could be looking at the file extension
instead of the content header. But that's defeating the purpose of the
header - and pretty stupid, IMHO. But it's still possible.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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