Posted by Sandman on 02/14/07 20:26
Awesome discussion and explanation folks.
Yes, I was thinking a global was like a superglobal, but its not.
I ended up imploding my array and sending it to the next page via
POST. Ez-peazy.
On Feb 14, 9:08 am, Toby A Inkster <usenet200...@tobyinkster.co.uk>
> Oliver Grätz wrote:
> > - Global variables in PHP are not as global as they are in other
> > languages where you can sometimes always see the global variables. Some
> > languages even have the keyword "local" to prohibit a variable from
> > becoming global. PHP instead has the "global" keyword to define a
> > variable as global.
> In PHP the global keyword basically pulls a variable from the global
> namespace into the local namespace.
> What most other languages refer to as "globals" PHP calls "superglobals".
> There's no way to define superglobals though -- PHP defines a few on its
> own (depends on your version, but in recent ones, $_POST, $_GET, $SERVER,
> $_SESSIOM, $_ENV, $_FILES and $GLOBALS) and you're stuck with them.
> Although I steer away from globals (in my current project, over 4000 lines
> of PHP so far, and not a single global!), sometimes I really would
> appreciate having a method of defining superglobals. Not going to happen
> though. :-(
> --
> Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
> Contact Me ~http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
> Geek of ~ HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python*/Apache/Linux
> * = I'm getting there!
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