Posted by bob.chatman@gmail.com on 02/14/07 19:32
On Feb 13, 12:53 pm, "Jean Pierre Daviau" <O...@WasEno.ugh> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Is there a way to prompt the user for input on the command line
> apart from passing arguments at the start of the program?
> Like
> getchar() --- C
> prompt("input", in) :---javascript
> etc.
> --
> Thanks for your attention.
> Jean Pierre Daviau
> --
> windows Xp
> asus p4 s533/333/133
> Intel(R) Celeron (R) CPU 2.00 GHz
> Processor Radeon7000 0x5159 agp
Although not widely used, PHP is just as capable of being used as a
command line language as perl or python or C. The functions in PHP
work quite the same as the ones in the other languages. Here are a few
entries in the php.net documentation that will help you out.
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