Posted by Andy Dingley on 02/15/07 17:54
On 15 Feb, 16:19, TaliesinSoft <taliesins...@mac.com> wrote:
> That software is Freeway Express and Freeway Pro.
Nicely standards-compliant, it has to be said. However "layout" relies
on a massive over-dependence on CSS absolute positioning, and with
pixel units at that. To quote Computer Arts mag, "creating
proportional rather than fixed-width layouts is almost impossible".
Freeway Pro is a competently implemented page-layout tool using valid
HTML and CSS. For fixed-pixel layouts it's great, but as a web design
tool it misses the point entirely and cannot be recommended at all.
There's still a shortage of WYSIWYG web site design tools with any
concept of semantically-based CSS that's an overall site feature, not
just a sequence of one-off page layout tasks.
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