Posted by JM Ivler on 02/15/07 16:23
Daniele wrote:
> Hi
> I want to build a shop from scratch,
You're insane. Why create the wheel from scratch? As a programmer I know
that there will always be bugs in any code, but thanks to open source
there are 100,000 eyes looking at the code and debugging it. For most
products that you want there is already a well beaten up open source
alternative. For something as basic as a shopping cart there are at
least three alternative open source projects that are out there that
provide a base from which to start. Some are great (like oscmax) some
are buggy and suck (oscloaded). But a cart from scratch?
[disclaimer: note that my company uses oscmax as our base, we also hand
built a CMS system - so we are only 1/2 nuts. :-) ]
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