Posted by Andy Dingley on 02/16/07 10:40
On 15 Feb, 22:00, TaliesinSoft <taliesins...@mac.com> wrote:
> If Freeway Express or Freeway Pro are capable of the WYSIWYG production of
> webpages to the complete satisfaction of the author then how is it that "it
> misses the poiint entirely?"
Because of clueless or clue-deprived authors. As a clueful author will
likely be working directly on HTML through a text editor, then the
beginner market is important for a WYSIWYG tool.
Most web authors do _not_ understand the web and that's why it's
incumbent upon a "good" authoring tool to assist them in getting
things right despite this ignorance. A tool that easily and quickly
builds web sites that still break some fundamental principles of good
web authoring is not a tool to recommend.
Freeway does page layout in absolute pixels, not document-centric
authoring. That's what's wrong with it.
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