Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 02/16/07 15:36
robert maas, see http://tinyurl.com/uh3t wrote:
>> From: "Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi>
>> If you use a speech browser, or switch off CSS support, or use a
>> text-only browser, you must be interested in the content of pages
>> only and not their graphic excellence.
> That's a snide way of implying that you're better than me because
> you have enough money to afford a newer computer that is capable of
> fullfledged direct InterNet access, so because you're better than
> me you can make derogatory remarks about me without it being
> "wrong".
> I use a text-only browser because it's the **only** browser
> available to me. So fuck off with your stupid remarks about my
> motivation for using a text-only browser.
I think you have it ass-backwards. If your document is for the *public*
(i.e., published to the Internet) then what *you* use for a browser is
not important. What *is* important is what your visitors will be using!
You code for them. So if this is for the Internet then your visitors,
(even those from 3rd-world countries) will using a CSS supporting, GUI
based browser! Even if you only access the web in Lynx your can design
and test your page local with <insert GUI browser of your choice> then
upload it when your done. Install Apache and make your development real
easy. Otherwise, screw-it and forego the HTML that you are battling with
and make it a plain text file and be done with it.
Take care,
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