Posted by TaliesinSoft on 02/16/07 15:51
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 04:48:28 -0600, Andy Dingley wrote (in article
> On 16 Feb, 00:42, TaliesinSoft <taliesins...@mac.com> wrote:
>> I find it interesting, er, uh, amusing, that Adobe, the marketers of not
>> one, but two high priced website development tools, GoLive and
>> Dreamweaver, apparently don't use either to develop their own website.
> I find it irrelevant.
> Whether Dreamweevil is good or bad has _no_ influence on whether Freeway
> is good or bad. Nor does whether Adobe have a good or a bad site.
But I made no comparison of "good / bad" between Freeway and Dreamweaver. But
I do find it interesting that Adobe opted to not use their own product to
develop their own website while Softpress did. As far as the two websites go,
nothing has stood out to me that makes one inherently superior to the other.
As to why Adobe chose to not use Dreamweaver, that would be interesting to
James Leo Ryan ..... Austin, Texas ..... taliesinsoft@mac.com
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