Posted by Helpful Harry on 02/16/07 23:06
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "fgdg" <ilovesanta@lycos.com>
writing in news:1171555825.536750.285310@j27g2000cwj.googlegroups.com:
> Why do we put up with web design software? Nobody makes a PDFs by
> writing Postscript in Notepad, but that is what designer's working for
> the web are expected to do. That is how far web design has come.
> Postscript is a page description language like HTML or CSS. By now we
> should have a Quark Xpress or Indesign for the web, but the only
> morsel the software industry has thrown designers after a decade of
> the web is CSS coding and a choice of Georgia or verdana. It's beyond
> the joke.
You do realise that software like DreamWeaver, GoLive, Freeway *IS*
"Quark Xpress or InDesign for the web"?!?!?
People used to create websites solely by typing HTML into a text editor
(and many still do).
Helpful Harry
Hopefully helping harassed humans happily handle handiwork hardships ;o)
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