Posted by TaliesinSoft on 02/17/07 04:06
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 21:45:26 -0600, Jonathan N. Little wrote
(in article <a4ea9$45d67a3c$40cba792$31493@NAXS.COM>):
>> Perhaps being forgotten is that I am using Freeway Pro which generates the
>> final code from the objects in a WYSIWYG specified site. That aside, adding
>> or removing the border is a simple matter in Freeway.
> If done properly where stylesheets are external this one change to a single
> files can change a whole website. No other pages need editing, no other files
> need to be uploaded. Period.
I'm sure that there are many instances where a code modification is simpler
if made directly to the code itself as opposed to specifying a property in
Freeway. But the point remains that I am far more comfortable modifying site
properties in Freeway and not in the code itself. it all boils down to what
kind of interface is one comfortable with when developing a website.
James Leo Ryan ..... Austin, Texas ..... taliesinsoft@mac.com
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