Posted by sergio-p on 02/16/07 18:18
> That sounds like an EXTREME security risk on a shared server and a
> security risk if the people who can access your page aren't admins
> of the server in question.
I know that. That's why I mentioned this is an intranet site. I have
the plan in place to restrict access for the right people only. But
thanks for the positive advice anyway :)
> Does Windows have anything that prints event logs in text form?
> The Event Viewer lets you save in text form, but moving the mouse from
> PHP is difficult.
I'm not very experienced with PHP but I can tell you that there will
be no mouse in this scenario. What I'm looking for is some library or
function that I can call, like GetEventLogEntries("Application", 10),
which would return me the last 10 entries in the Applications event
log. I know there are windows API calls deal with the event logs, but
I don;t know how to use them in PHP.
Thanks for the reply.
- Sergio
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