Posted by rwap on 02/18/07 14:39
On Feb 17, 5:24 pm, yout...@gmail.com wrote:
> Thank you all, but in this case, I believe the messages displayed to
> users in my OP is generated from the browser client, not pipelined
> from a server. :-)
I think you misunderstand here.
A browser will try to connect a user to the chosen webpage. If it
cannot find the server, then it generates one message.
If however, it finds the server, but not the specified page, then it
will look for a custom page on the server (for example 404.html) - and
then if that is not found, will display its standard error page.
mbstevens gives you an example above on how to create custom error
pages on the server side.
IE can however override these with "friendly error messages" - you can
apparently avoid this by ensuing that any custom error pages are more
than 512 bytes.
However, if you want to cover the position where the server itself
cannot be found or the internet connection is missing, I believe you
can do this through the custom browser tools provided in the Internet
Explorer Administration Kit - see
Not tried this myself, but worth a go
Rich Mellor
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