Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 02/18/07 13:11
=inu= wrote:
> hai guys,
> i'm developing small web aplication for attendance system at my
> campus. i'm with 3 others programmer and the time which management
> gave is quite short. what i want to ask is, whather i sholud use some
> framework out there? could you recomend one?
> currently i'm still using smarty,ADODB and a postgreSQL
> i've acctualy tried phpcake, but it's too complicated for just for say
> 'hello world' i have to write some file and xml
> thanks before. sorry for my lame english
If time is already short, what makes you think learning a new tool from
scratch will help? The learning curve on the first time is generally
longer than actually doing it yourself. But later projects can benefit.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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