Posted by sergio-p on 02/19/07 13:04
On Feb 16, 10:00 pm, katman <> wrote:
> Well if you can find an ms dos command that will export the log into a
> .txt or .csv you can do it in PHP. `` quotes are meant for shell
> commands or you can also use exec() function for that. All you got to
> do in php is parse the file.
Nice idea. In XP I can use this command line:
cscript %systemroot%\system32\eventquery.vbs /l APPLICATION /r 10
In W2K3 I think I'd have to use elogdmp.
I still don't know if I can get the actual text of the message
(instead of just title and time stamp), but I'm much closer to the
solution now.
Thanks for all the good input.
- Sergio
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