Posted by Captain Paralytic on 02/19/07 13:40
On 19 Feb, 12:45, Richard <rgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wish to have a month select and next to it a day select.
> Is there no way at all for the day field to pick up the selected month
> without a previous submit on the part of the user?
What a negative way of asking!
How about "Is there any way that..."
Anyway, it depends on what you mean by "a previous submit".
3 ways spring to mind of how to do this:
1) Use pure local javascript to populate the day select based on the
selected month. No submit required at all.
2) Use an AJAX type call to let php/javascript populate the day
3) Have the month select automagically submit the form and have it
return a populated day select control.
Of course, you could just use a javascript pop-up calendar.
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