Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/29/05 17:55
Lauri Raittila wrote:
> in alt.html, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
>>Lauri Raittila wrote:
>>>in alt.html, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
>>>That is because link can't include another link, like menu would need.
>>>Here we are not trying to make some clueless flyout menu.
> [Plonked for annoying all caps]
(message complete, Damn! Sent the wrong message, this on got out before
I was finished!)
Touchy aren't we?
>>Who said anything about nesting links?
> Me. TÝou were talking something about flyout menus, using it as a proof
> of thing it is irreleated.
>>Of course nesting links
>>are invalid, but that had nothing to do with IE not recognizing the
>>pseudo-class hover on other elements like *LI* elements that are used in
>>CSS fly-out menus made with lists....
> Yes, but you can make flyouts in IE. You just can't put links in them. So
> flyout menu is impossible, which is totally different from styöling some
> image inside a element.
A:hover IMG{
border: 2px solid rgb(204,0,51);
Doesn't work in IE by itself like in Gecko, but requires the the
addition of
A:hover {
text-decoration: none;
removal of the link underline on hover to work in IE. Strangely enough
just removing text-decoration on he link all together does NOT work in
IE, i.e,:
a {
text-decoration: none;
Not sure what you would do if you desired no underline on you link at
all times...Before I discovered the very specific quirk above I
incorrectly associated that it was failing to restyle on hover the IMG
as a child the A as related to IE not supporting hover pseudo-class
other elements...
B:hover, SPAN:hover and LI:hover work in Gecko but not in IE. The last
is required in many CSS fly-out, hence my reference. I said nothing
about nesting links.
So 'A:hover [child element]' does work in IE if you remove the
text-decoration on the containing link upon hover as well. But only
certain style properties can be change though. You can change the
border, font properties, and color, but not the background....
A:hover {
A:hover SPAN{ color: white; background-color: blue; }
<a href="#">This is a <span>Link</span> to nowhere</a>
Not sure why you would do this, but the background color is not set in
IE, but does work in FF, Moz, NN, and Opera...
Take care,
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