Posted by William Mitchell on 02/20/07 02:50
TaliesinSoft <taliesinsoft@mac.com> writes:
> On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 16:13:35 -0600, dorayme wrote
> (in article <doraymeRidThis-997629.09133520022007@news-vip.optusnet.com.au>):
> > I agree that your site is simple enough to justify to some extent, your
> > confidence in it. But what I am saying and what others are suggesting to you
> > will more and more come into its own as you make other sites. The approach
> > you are taking will become to have more severe limitations as you contemplate
> > more website pages and sites.
> I'll accept that there are things that Freeway Pro cannot do in terms of
> describing a website, but I'll also state that the number of times I have
> felt constrained are few. Freeway Pro is not a static application and as time
> progresses so will Freeway in terms of its capabilities. But what I consider
> most important of all is that Freeway allows me to work in a manner in which
> I am comfortable, working visually instead of technically. And, a nice aspect
Well, as long as you aren't doing anything more complicated than this
one, it should do fine.
Bill Mitchell
Dept of Mathematics, The University of Florida
PO Box 118105, Gainesville, FL 32611--8105
mitchell@math.ufl.edu (352) 392-0281 x284
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