Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 02/20/07 09:06
Scripsit Sonnich:
> I simply want the "comment" to be next to the input field.
So apparently the problem is not alignment: the "comment" is left aligned
within its cell, and you don't even need to do anything with it (it's the
default). The problem is in _cell widths_: the cell containing the input
field is wider than needed for the field,
> I think it is funny, that in the lower row, the colspan works,
Of course it works on the first two rows as well. It's the division of the
table's width (dominated by the textarea width) to columns that causes the
phenomenon. There is no simple fix, since browsers allocate column widths
weirdly, but the overall complexity of the table affects this. So why do you
use colspan in the first place? If you want some text to appear (almost)
immediately after an input field, why don't you put them into the same cell?
I guess I can guess some of the reasons, but the sketchy page really
suggests that the table is excessively complicated.
> The first row - I was expecting the text followed by an input field
> and the last ~60% for the last <td colspan=3>, forcing the text next
> to the input field.
Nobody expects... the IE column allocation! ;-)
That could be a tough problem, since IE resists attempts to control its
allocation algorithm except by explicitly setting "absolute" widths for
everything, which is a manifestly Bad Idea.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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