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Re: download counter?

Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 02/20/07 15:23

devospice wrote:
>>> It is. The PHP feed works fine. (
>>> But pointing the link tag to a PHP file instead of an audio file
>>> generates a "this feed is not valid" error in iTunes.
>>> ->Later.....Spice
>> As I said - if the header is correct, it should be OK.
>> I looked at your link, but I didn't see any php files being pointed to -
>> just the mp3 files themselves.
> Sorry. Here's the code for the feed. It pulls the most recent 5
> entries from the database (ignoring future ones that haven't gone live
> yet) and formats it. It's based on the code I use to update my Manic
> Mondays podcast ( which I've
> never had a problem with. But those always point directly to the MP3
> file.
> ->Later.....Spice
> <?php
> // NOTE: All links point to the site folder, which must be changed
> upon launch.
> include("functions.php");
> // Get the 5 most recent fumps.
> $today = date("Y-m-d");
> $fumpSQL = "SELECT * FROM fumps WHERE date<=CURDATE() ORDER BY date
> $allFumps = getDataFromTable($fumpSQL);
> // Calculate the last build date.
> $lastFump = $allFumps[0];
> $lastDate = $lastFump["date"]; // YYYY-MM-DD
> $timestamp = strtotime($lastDate);
> $latestBuildDate = date("D, d M Y", $timestamp);
> echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n";
> echo "<rss xmlns:itunes=\"\"
> version=\"2.0\">\r\n";
> echo "<channel>\r\n";
> echo "<title>The FuMP</title>\r\n";
> echo "<link></link>\r\n";
> echo "<description>The Funny Music Project!</description>\r\n";
> echo "<lastBuildDate>".$latestBuildDate." 01:00:00 -0500</
> lastBuildDate>\r\n";
> echo "<language>en-us</language>\r\n";
> echo "<copyright>Copyright ".date("Y"). " FIDIM Interactive, LLC</
> copyright>\r\n";
> echo "<generator>dirCastv0.4</generator>\r\n";
> echo "<webMaster></webMaster>\r\n";
> echo "<ttl>60</ttl>\r\n\r\n";
> echo "<!--iTunes specific tags-->\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:category text=\"Comedy\" />\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:category text=\"Movies &amp; Television\">\r\n"; //
> echo "<itunes:category text=\"Music\" />\r\n";
> echo "</itunes:category>\r\n\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:keywords>Sudden Death, Worm Quartet, Luke Ski, Tom
> Smith, Rob Balder, Raymond and Scum, fump, comedy, Dr. Demento,
> dementia, funny music, funny songs, funny, weird, music</
> itunes:keywords>\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:subtitle>Funny music from some of todays hottest
> dementia acts!</itunes:subtitle>\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:summary>The FuMP is a twice-weekly podcast featuring
> new, rare, and unreleased songs by some of the biggest names in funny
> music. These artists are regularly featured on The Dr. Demento Show
> and routinely perform at science fiction conventions and other places
> around the country.</itunes:summary>\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:image href=\"\" />\r
> echo "<itunes:author>FIDIM Interactive, LLC</itunes:author>\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:owner>\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:name>Tom Rockwell</itunes:name>\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:email></itunes:email>\r\n";
> echo "</itunes:owner>\r\n\r\n";
> foreach ($allFumps as $fump) {
> $artist = getData("name", "artists", $fump["artist"]);
> $timestamp = strtotime($fump["date"]);
> $buildDate = date("D, d M Y", $timestamp);
> $link = sprintf("", $fump["mp3_128"]);
> $size = filesize("fumps/".$fump["mp3_128"]);
> if ($fump["explicit"] == "1") {
> $explicit = "yes";
> } else {
> $explicit = "no";
> }
> echo "<item>\r\n";
> echo "<!--iTunes specific tags-->\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:author>".$artist."</itunes:author>\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:duration>".$fump["length"]."</itunes:duration>\r\n";
> echo "<itunes:explicit>".$explicit."</itunes:explicit>\r\n\r\n"; //
> echo "<title>".$fump["title"]."</title>\r\n";
> echo "<link>".$link."</link>\r\n";
> echo "<description>".$fump["description"]."</description>\r\n";
> echo "<pubDate>".$buildDate." 01:00:00 -0500</pubDate>\r\n";
> echo "<enclosure url=\"".$link."\" length=\"".$size."\" type=\"audio/
> mpeg\"/>\r\n";
> echo "</item>\r\n";
> }
> echo "</channel>\r\n";
> echo "</rss>\r\n";
> ?>

OK, I'm not that familiar with the iTunes RSS feeds, but it looks OK.

It looks like iTunes does check the file extension, which is pretty
stupid. But maybe they do.

In this case, you would probably have to use Apache's mod_rewrite to
redirect the download. In your link tag put something like
"/tunes/mytune.mpg". Then have a redirect in your httpd.conf or
..htaccess file to redirect anything from the /tunes directory to your
script, passing the filename as a parameter. This might get you around
the restriction - I don't know what else iTunes might be looking for.

You can get more info on how to use mod_rewrite in alt.apache.configuration.

The only other think I could suggest would be that you ask the itunes
support people about it. They might have some answers. Or there might
be another tag you'd could fill in to handle it.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.



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