Posted by Rik on 02/21/07 03:47
On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 03:59:56 +0100, Jerry Stuckle
<jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
> Richard wrote:
>> "Klarth" <kah.goh@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Yes, it is possible. There look for $_GET["recordnum"] in your
>>> catalogrecord.php script.
>> Could someone explain to a noob the use of _get here and why not _post?
> Oops - pressed send too quickly.
> When the POST method is used, the parameters are not passed in the link
> as part of the query string; rather they are passed by the browser out
> of sight of the user.
Which on an 'open' site (this particular project seems to be local) would
have the advantage of being both bookmarkable (hmmmz, something doesn't
feel right about that word) and indexable by a search-engine.
Rik Wasmus
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