Posted by Geoff Berrow on 06/28/05 18:31
I noticed that Message-ID: <42C08564.6070503@hotmail.com> from toedipper
contained the following:
>> </tr>";
>> do { ?>
>Thanks Geoff. That cleared th error ok but now it tells me I have a
>parse error on my final line.
Well it won't be there. That's usually an indication that you have an
unclosed brace or missing quote/semicolon somewhere.
However, in this case, I think there are some serious errors.
<? do { ?>
<!--here we have dropped out of php -->
76 THIS IS THE ERROR LINE <td><div align=\"center\"><font size=\"2\">
<!-- so why are we still escaping quotes?-->
href=\"showdetail.php?swid=<? echo $row_showresults['swid']; ?>\"><
<!--dunno what's going on here -->
I suggest it may /possibly/ be
But there are many other problems.
Geoff Berrow (put thecat out to email)
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