Posted by Daniel Loose on 02/21/07 14:17
On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 23:15:09 +0100, Henk Verhoeven
<news1@phppeanutsREMOVE-THIS.org> wrote:
> When you replace
> $this = func_get_arg(0);
> return;
> return func_get_arg(0);
>you shoud get the same results in php4 and it should work in php5 too.
hm, thank you hank, however this is not the solution. of course it
removes the cannot reassign error msg, but gives another errror in
another line that wants to access the object (by using $this again)
("Call to a member function initLink() on a non-object ") I'm not an
expert here but I don't think that return func... does the same as the
original code... :-)
hoping for any other ideas,
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