Posted by Claus van de Vlierd on 06/29/05 15:08
Hello ,
a) in the following script (under RedHat AS3 with PHP 4.3.2 ) I make
a "DB::connect" to an existing "mysql" database named
"docu_files_of_cvdv" .
The strange thing is : it works -- even if I give as protocol the
"nonsenseprotocol" (instead of "unix" or "tcp") and as Hostname
"nonsensehostname" ... !!
Obviously PHP ignores the "protocol" and takes as Hostname the default
"localhost" .. ?!? I do NOT understand .. ! :
### here is the script :
print("*** here PHPMYSQL.php *** \n");
print("*** now TRYING to connect .. *** \n");
$res =
print("*** now having tried to connect .. *** \n");
if (DB::isError($res))
$str = $res->getMessage();
print("$str \n");
print("*** o.k. - result : $res *** \n");
print("*** now having done DB::connect -- successfully .. ?!?? *** \n");
here is the result - having executed it :
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.2
*** here PHPMYSQL.php ***
*** now TRYING to connect .. ***
*** now having tried to connect .. ***
*** o.k. - result : Object ***
*** now having done DB::connect -- successfully .. ?!?? ***
b) HOW can I induce the PHP-Interpreter to EVALUATE the "protocol" and
"hostname" - Parameters in the "DB::connect"-string ?!
c) thanx for any hint :
Claus van de Vlierd
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