Posted by javelin on 02/21/07 17:43
fopen fails to produce anything but a blank page, as I expected it
would when I "rtfm". The target site is not mine, and I can't hope to
have it opened for access anytime soon. It is, essentially, a blog,
and I need to get the posts off of a certain category every hour or
so. I just needed some PHP or CGI code that can automatically import
the html from a supplied URL, then display it. From there, I can work
out a means to manipulate the resulting page.
Any recommendations from the manual or elsewhere I can look into?
On Feb 20, 3:09 pm, "Steve" <no....@example.com> wrote:
> "javelin" <google.1.jvm...@spamgourmet.com> wrote in message
> news:1172005485.770120.4900@q2g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
> |I need to save some content from another site (with permission, of
> | course). It's just the text portion, no graphics, and I can't simply
> | use frames to target the intended content. Rather, I need to save the
> | content to a file on my server for later importing into a database and
> | searching for differences. Can someone tell me how I can do this
> | without loading the target page into my desktop browser? Essentially,
> | I want this to run on my server. I can navigate to my page, click on a
> | button and have it run this process, if need be, but automatically
> | every hour or so would be much better.
> fopen - rtfm
> | Thanks.
> np.
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