Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 02/21/07 22:37
melinama wrote:
> I should have said: it scrolls a bit, but not all the way (by any
> means) to the bottom of the page, not even past the first post. ??
All the way to the bottom to your last post
"Permalink posted by k @ 2:16 AM 35 comments"
> I'm
> interested to hear the position:center doesn't work,
'position:center' doesn't work because there is no such thing!
Valid values are: static, relative, absolute, fixed, and inherit. See:
> but that's not
> the problem cause it's in a part that's been there for months and the
> no-scrolling-to-the-bottom just started a couple days ago...
Don't know what to tell you, it does scroll for me, all the way down.
Maybe you have a corrupted version cached on your machine...
Take care,
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