Posted by spam on 06/29/05 16:50
Marcin Dobrucki <Marcin.Dobrucki@TAKETHISAWAY.nokia.com> wrote:
> spam wrote:
> > Sorry, this is going to be a silly question, but I've been fighting it
> > since Saturday...
> >
> > I'm installing on an iBook, so Mac OS-X. I get this.. 'PHP Version
> > 4.3.11' when running phpinfo(). I download the source for 5.0.4,
> > configure it ..
> >
> > ./configure --with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql
> ...
> > A find reveals that this file doesn't exist anywhere on the machine..
> --with-apxs=<path to apxs>
> might help. On my Solaris box, the problem later is caused by
> missing .libs directory (libtool broken? -- the directory should be
> 'lib'). I also need to copy the php cli binary by hand (only the
> wrapper scripts are installed by 'make install'. This has been
> happening since about 4.3.9 or something.
It was an 'RTFM' moment, I'm afraid.. if I'd scrolled further down the
INSTALL file, I'd have seen the Mac-OSX section. Mea culpa...
Still, it's a wonderful moment when you first create a table from within
a script, rather than having to type it out by hand. Much like losing
one's virginity, or passing one's driving test...
Thanks for the advice.
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