Posted by dcrackel on 02/21/07 18:23
On Feb 21, 12:37 pm, Ian Taylor <m...@ocset.reverse.previous.word.net>
> dcrac...@gmail.com wrote:
> > I hope there is a simple solution to this, but I've been unable to
> > find it.
> > $dom = new DomDocument();
> > $dom->load("test.xml");
> > $test = $dom->getElementsByTagName("test");
> > $test->nodeValue = "<b>test</b>";
> > $dom->save("test.xml");
> > I would like the node in the xml file to look like:
> > <test><b>test</b></test>
> > Rather than the encoded version.
> > <b>test</b>
> > What can be done to accomplish this task?
> > Thank you
> > dwain
> From what I can see, it's not really possible - if it was possible, and
> you tried to re-read the resulting xml file back, you would end up with
> something like:
> ...
> <test>
> <b>
> test
> </b>
> </test>
> ...
> where <b> is a child node of the <test> node, rather than part of the
> value of the <test> node.
> Therefore, entities like < and > do need to be encoded / decoded
> (possible with html_entity_decode()) when dealing with xml.
> If, however, you *are* looking to add <b> as a child node of <test>, I'm
> sure there are functions to handle that ( probably something like $child
> = $test->append_child('b') )- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Thank you for the advice,
I'm looking to save HTML inside the XML, for that example that text
may be viewed bold when shown in a browser.
------------------------------------ Test.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DESC>This is a test product, this is <b>bold</b>.</DESC>
------------------------------------ Test.xsl
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="ROOT/TEST">
<hr />
<xsl:value-of select="NAME" /> <br />
<xsl:copy-of select="DESC |text()"/> <br />
<xsl:value-of select="PRICE" /> <br />
<hr />
------------------------------------------------------- Test.php
$xsl = new DomDocument();
$inputdom = new DomDocument();
$proc = new XsltProcessor();
$xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
$newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($inputdom);
print $newdom->saveXML();
----------------------------- Result
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<html><P><hr/>TEST PRODUCT 01<br/>
<DESC>This is a test product, this is <b>bold</b>.</DESC>
-------------------------------- The problem
When a XML document is saved by PHP it looks like
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DESC>This is a test product, this is <b>bold</b>.</
I need to be able to save the XML Doc after altering it in PHP:
$node->nodeValue = "This is a test product, this is <b>bold</b>.";
without encoding the "<b>"'s.
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