Posted by Andrew Taylor on 02/22/07 16:44
I've been using PHP for a long time, I have designed and developed a
number of mid-range systems. I've always used a procedural approach. I
fully understand the concept of OO, I know all the basics and I know
how to code OO. What I'm having problems with is understanding how to
design/architect projects using OO.
Can anyone reccomend any good online tutorials / online learning /
video tutorials which deal with these subjects specifically in PHP. I
have a number of the class OO books which help me understand the
principals, but, not how to leverage those principals in to system
Also, I am trying to learn how to do this myself, this is not just a
lazy call for the answer, perhaps somebody could answer this which
might help me on my way as well as the above request for further
One thing which confuses me is how to use databases in the OO approach.
Imagine we have a system which deals with music CDs:
class MusicCD {
private $title;
private $artist;
function __constructor($title, $artist) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->artist = $artist;
function displayCD() {
echo $this->title.' '.$this->artist;
Now, we want to save this information in to a database, what is the
correct way (best practice) for doing this; is it to create a saveCD
method in my musicCD class? Should this method expect a database object
to be passed in, or, should it call static methods of another class?
function saveCD(Database $databaseObject) {
$databaseObject->query('INSERT INTO...
function saveCD() {
Surely in the OO concept the MusicCD class doesn't need to know about
my table structure etc, would this be a case for a MusicCDDatabase
class which knows about MusicCD and DB?
Just to re-itterate, I know how to code in PHP, I know how to use OO
syntax, I'm just having problems designing my system.
Thanks for reading a long post, and thanks in advance for any help.
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