Posted by shimmyshack on 02/23/07 16:48
On 23 Feb, 10:25, den <spam...@not.not> wrote:
> If I have in this dir :\AA\BB\E\F\G\H\I\
> one file.php with this variable:
> $pip['value']=50;
> If I want to use in other dir's file \AA\BB\CC\
> 1) is possible?
> but I not want to require or include the file.php.
> I would like use directly the variable.
you have to open the file though right?
so unless you treat it as atext file, and have the file like this:
and use file() to get an array, and split to by = ...
or use regular expressions to extract the key=>values
the easiest way is to include it, unless there's some reason you
return array
'pip' => array
'host' => 'localhost',
'user' => 'me',
'pass' => 'strong_3st_in-the-wORld!',
'db' => 'cheese',
'value' => 50,
then in which file you need it, use
$arrayInfo = include( 'file.php' );
print_r( $arrayInfo );
but i understand it might not be what youre after
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