Posted by 469 on 02/25/07 16:05
Dont forget, that PHP actually is not only web-based and cli based...
but GTK2 based ;) so not only yopu can use shell scripts to admin the
system... but you can do a pretty nice and helpfull visual app with
actually i use PHP shell scripting to do remote administrative
tasks... like http://myhomeserver/scriptsfolder/thisaction... one of
them, backs up eve3rything (Postgresql, Mysql, webroot) if it needs to
wake up a service... it will do it backup and shut it down again...
and then scp me the files... to the pc i am currently on... (Usually
my laptop, or the house desktop)
also... setups for Webapps that i've made.... i usually create a lil
setup for em... so if i sold it, and the client doesnt needs big
modifications... i just... unpack, run... and the script does the
rest :p
belive me.. you can even create a filedownloader with php in like 15
mins... on linux... xD
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